Blog Post

Getting Started

  • By Connor MacMillan
  • 25 Feb, 2018

The first step is hard, but not always the hardest

So, one of my friends from High School and I designed a board game. Well, we've designed a couple, but SIEGE! is the one we actually still enjoy playing (not everything can be a winner). Its extremely important to be completely honest with yourself as a designer, but don't let a few hiccups halt a game you love. Anyways, after playing with our friends and getting a lot of positive feedback, we decided to pursue this dream of becoming a published game designer.

The first thing I did was research, and research, and a little more research. My conclusion: publishing a game is hard. While doing all this research, I realized that I was spending all this time worrying about things that are so far in the future that I wasn't actually making any progress.  Yes, knowing what you're about to get into is important, but so is the sense of accomplishment.

Learn as you go. Look at the next few steps, one month at a time, and learn how to do those as best as you can. One of the best resources I've found is Stonemaier Games. Jamey is absolutely fantastic. If you decide to use kickstarter, I've added a link to Stonemaier's Kickstarter Lessons, of which there are well over 100.

I'll definitely highlight specific articles that were a huge help to me as I go.

The first step of publishing a game is to decide to take the first step.

Happy Gaming!
By Connor MacMillan 16 Mar, 2018
Learn how I make cards for my early prototypes
By Connor MacMillan 04 Mar, 2018
I think I've lost track of how many times we've completely changed a rule in Siege! Let alone the crazy amount of small tweaks and adjustments to balance it. All of these are the result of playtesting; with ourselves, with friends, but most importantly, with complete and utter strangers. Hopefully every time we update our rules, they become a little easier to understand, a little more balanced and just a little more fun, and if we keep doing that enough times, we'll have a great game.

Playtesting is the most important step in game design, but its also one of the most intimidating. Putting your creation in front of other people, for the sole purpose of getting critiqued, is absolutely terrifying. Knowing that you're about to show off your work may make you want to perfect it, don't. One of my colleagues, and a fellow game designer, gave some insight: "if you aren't ashamed of the game you're playtesting, you started too late."

I think this concept is really important for a few reasons. If you polish your game before playtesting it, you'll be resistant to any changes. After spending countless hours on something, you're bound to get attached to it, but your game needs to be adaptable at this point. And, if you're resistant to your playtester's input, you're more likely to seem like an ungrateful dick, which is bad. An important side affect of playtesting is building your following, a crucial step to crowdfunding. You can read more about how to build your crowd here.

Playtesting is also incredibly important because it allows the people, who will hopefully buy your game, to influence its design. Having the customer help with creation is a no brainer, it'll turn it into something they actually want to buy!

Here are some helpful tips to playtesting:
1. Do it early and often
2. Be open to suggestions
3. Take pictures (but ask first)
4. Ask if they want to stay up-to-date on your project (get contact info)
5. Build those relationships
6. Bringing food doesn't hurt

I've already harped on the first two, but taking pictures didn't really seem like a big deal to me at first. If you're a first time creator like I am, its hard to start from nothing. When building this website, I had almost nothing to put on it. I had a prototype that I printed through, a decent set of rules, and that's about it. I didn't have any pictures of people actually playing my game! This is some advice that I'm going to start taking myself as of right now, because I'm hoping it'll help me build a better brand.

Sure, giving good feedback through a well crafted comment, and sharing other people's content is a great way to build your crowd, but they pale in comparison to a real-life human relationship. Its generally easier to get comments on your game if you're physically there, so use this opportunity to make a good impression, and then maintain those relationships.

A great way to make a first impression is to bring food, everyone loves food. Don't expect people to do things for free, even your friends. They may do what you want, but eventually everyone will start to think you're a freeloader. If you can bring food, I say do it, otherwise you'll have to make a good first impression some other way, like with your personality (yikes).

As always,
Happy Gaming!
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